Sunday, October 5, 2014

Campaign Update 1755

Compagnies Franches de la Marines
 led by Capt. LeBouty (pictured center w Pistol) lie in Ambush. (Sept 1755)
As the campaign year 1755 comes to a close for our campaign using Muskets and Tomahawks I wanted to give a quick overview of the situation followed by the individual results.

On all fronts the French have turned back the three British Attacks.  In the West (Round 1 Expedition vs Ambush) the French defeated the British 30 victory points to 24.  In other words Braddocks defeat was still a defeat but not as devastating as it had been.  In the Lakes region (Round 2 Pursuit vs Rear Guard) the French 26 VP dominated the British (13 VP).  Finally the Acadia incursion (Round 3 Engagement vs Hasty Defense)  by sea has been repulsed with French securing 39 victory points and the British gaining 21 VP.  Overall results are shown below.

Results as of 4 October 1755

The French gain the 10 extra victory points for the 1755 Battle for the Wilderness bringing the totals to:

French - 214
British - 135

Next up are the rules and scenarios for 1756.  Individual results below.  We had several players who had a hard time getting in all three games this time.  Remember your natural talent is based on the type of officer you have leading your force.  Promotion points can be used for actual promotion and/or one promotion point can be spent to provide you officer an additional talent rolled randomly.

French Players Player               Character's Name         Points      Total Promotion Points 1754 & 1755
Nick G              Squinting Dog*                1              0 (*Died in Battle)
Pat H                Lieut. Hillaurd                  1              0  One more round to complete
Nick N.             Lieut. Nestericue             0              0 Two more rounds to complete
Todd                 Lieut  Tee*                      0              0 (*Died in Battle)
Tristan               Egushwa                        9               2 + Natural Talent
Brian/Jim          Lieut Lipscomb               4               0  One more round to complete
Dillon                Indian Leader                 0               0 Two more rounds to complete
Tom K.              Lieut. LeBouty              10                2+Natural Talent
John M.             Niz Alemos                   16               2+Natural Talent
Leigh W.           Lieut. Templar              14                2+Natural Talent
Jim G                Lieut. de Gande            8                 2+Natural Talent
Don K.               Lieut. Regent *             12               0 (*died in battle)
Gary C.             Monge Tu II                  12               1 + a Natural Talent

British Players
Luke D                Lieut. Dixon               8                0 One More rounds to complete
Ranger Bob        Wolf with Two Kills    0                0 Two more rounds to complete
Roy                     Lieut. Williams           1               0  Two more rounds to complete
Jeff W.                Lieut Wiltrout            10               1+ Natural Trait
Oskar/Maanus    Lieut Goldsberry         5               1+ Natural Trait
Bill/John              Lieut Hawks                4              0   One more round to complete
Larissa                Lieut Larissa               4               0  Two more rounds to complete
John K.               Lieut McBean             2               0  Two more rounds to complete
Rich T.                Lieut. Frederickson*   6                0 (*Died in Battle)
Russell M.           Lieut. Bawls*              0                0 (*Died in Battle)
Barrie M.             Lieut. Lee-Jackson *   1               0 (*Died in Battle)
Mark O.               Lieut. Dover  II            2               1 + Natural Talent
Mike K.                Lieut. King                 6                1+ Natural Talent  
Bob C                  Lt Devonish               6                 Natural Talent